Bristol Airport Spotting are pleased to announce that we will be holding a spotters day at Bristol Airport on Sunday 10th June, the event will be held within the Bristol Room located in the Admin Building. Previous aviation fairs have been held in this great room and we are holding this event before the building is removed over the next couple of years, for exciting airport developments.
The event will be held between 11am and 3pm and open to all members of Bristol Airport Spotting, the event will be a ticketed event on a first come first served basis limited to 100 places, the cost for entry will be £2 which will go to the airport charity of the year, which is Children’s Hospice South West. All visitors to the event must have a pre-booked ticket.
During the spotters day there will also be an informative talk from Bristol Airport Police and the opportunity to purchase some Bristol Airport Spotting branded merchandise. Free parking will also be available on the day and Wings Café will be open for light refreshments. Visitors will benefit from great views across the apron, taxiway and runway including close up views of taxiing and departing aircraft.
To book your tickets please visit our ticketing website, the entry fee of £2 will be payable on the door. We hope to see many of our members at the event which is certainly one not to be missed!
Further information and updates can be found on our website event page by visiting